Saturday, November 9, 2013

Butter Naan


Maida - 2 cups (for 8 naans)
Milk - 1/2 Cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Salt - to taste
Baking Soda - 1 tsp
Oil - little in the end of making dough.
Butter - to apply on naan


1.  In a large bowl , add maida , little salt to taste and baking soda, add the milk and water little by little kneading it to a soft dough , check for water level so that it doesnt go too soft and sticky.
2. Jus like chapathi dough, knead it well adding little oil and if too watery add extra maida to it and bring it into a soft and smooth dough.
3. Keep it aside for 5 to 6 hours to ferment.

When making the naan , jus like rolling the chapathi , you can roll it a little bit thicker than chapathi and keep the oven in Broil mode.

  Each naan takes a few second says 1 to 3 minutes to puff up on each side... turn it on both sides and puff up but without getting browned.

After  a naan is ready , apply butter over it when hot and if you prefer you can crush some garlics in butter and apply it over them for garlic naans! The naan turned out real soft inside.

Serve it hot with any dishes , We had it with Akbhari Paneer.

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