Monday, March 8, 2010

Custard Fruit Trifle


To make Custard :

Custard powder - 1 pack
Milk - 1 Cup
Egg - 1

To make the Trifle :

Custard - 1 Cup
Jello Jelly - 2 Cups
Apple - 1
Banana - 1
Muffin - 2
Mixed jam - 1 tsp
Raisins - to spread in the bowl of trifle
Cashews - for garnishing


1. The Custard can be prepared by adding milk and beaten egg to the powder and heating on low flame,stirring as per the pack instructions.
2.Cut the apple,banana into slices.
3. Muffin can also be cut into small pieces jus like muffin crumbs.
4. The trifle bowl has to be given a inline coating with mixed fruit jam(or any flavoured ) to add to taste.
5. Fill in the bowl with a thin layer of Custard.
6.Now fill in a layer of Jello jelly (Readymade or homemade) of any colour.
7. Sprinkle raisins over this layer and then fill it with a fruit mix (apple and banana) layer.
8. Same can be continued over again a layer of custard,jelly,fruits and garnish with cashews on top.
9. A scoop of Vanilla Ice cream over these coatings will make the trifle even more delicious.

I made this trifle for the first time 2 months back..and it was real yummy.Thanks to my sister who used to make it often and its now a favourite dish of ours:) My 2 and half years old son loves this so much..


  1. manju..ithu ellam theriyumnu neenka sollavey illayeh :-)...looking yummy...will try...

  2. Its summer time ;) let me try your custard fruit trifle.
